Limited Liability Company "CLASSICAL SUIT WORKSHOP," hereinafter referred to as the "Seller," publishes this Public Offer for the conclusion of a future purchase agreement on the website located at the domain name
This offer, in accordance with Clause 2, Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, constitutes a public offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement" or "Public Offer"). The complete and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of its terms, in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is considered to be the Buyer's actions of concluding a pre-order for the Product, as presented on the website, in the manner and under the conditions specified in this Agreement.
By placing a pre-order on the website, the Buyer agrees to the terms of the Agreement, including those related to the processing of the Buyer's and/or the Pre-Order Recipient's personal data. If the Buyer disagrees with any of the terms of the Agreement, they are advised to refrain from placing a pre-order.

1. Terms and Definitions
1.1. Pre-order Processing — Refers to the process of placing a Pre-order for Goods by the Buyer on the Seller’s Website.
1.2. Pre-order — A properly submitted request by the Buyer on the Website for the Pre-order of Goods not available for sale at the time of the Pre-order placement, including their subsequent delivery by the chosen delivery method through a Delivery Service or pickup.
1.3. Buyer — An individual with legal capacity who has fully accepted the terms of this Public Offer, i.e., has accepted by placing a Pre-order on the Website, for personal, domestic, and other non-commercial needs.
1.4. Recipient of the Pre-order — An individual with legal capacity for whom the Buyer places a Pre-order on the Website for personal, domestic, and other non-commercial needs.
1.5. Seller/Operator — OOO "МАСТЕРСКАЯ КЛАССИЧЕСКОГО КОСТЮМА" (INN 7701726629 / OGRN 5077746880371), registered address: 119034, Moscow, Municipal District of Khamovniki, Prechistenka St., 13, Floor/Room/Unit 0 (BASEMENT)/II/11.
1.6. Website — The online resource located at
1.7. Goods — Clothing, footwear, accessories, and other items available for sale on the Seller's Website via Pre-order.
1.8. Online Store — The official online store of the Seller OOO "МАСТЕРСКАЯ КЛАССИЧЕСКОГО КОСТЮМА," located at, where Goods offered by the Seller are presented, including terms of payment and delivery for the Buyers.
1.9. Personal Data — Any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual — the Consumer (referred to as the data subject), which the Consumer voluntarily and knowingly provides when placing a Pre-order on the Website, and necessary for the Online Store to fulfill the Pre-order, as well as information automatically collected during the use of the Website — cookies.
1.10. Cookies — The Website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure maximum convenience for Buyers by providing personalized information, remembering marketing and content preferences, and helping to obtain the necessary information for the Buyer.
1.11. Delivery Service — A third party (courier, transport organization, etc.) providing delivery services for Pre-orders under a contract with the Seller.
2. General Provisions
2.1. This Public Offer applies to all types of Products and services presented on the Website and while such offers with descriptions are present in the Internet Store catalog.
2.2. This Public Offer is deemed accepted by the Buyer from the moment of placing a Pre-order and also from the moment the Pre-order is accepted from the Buyer through the "Pre-order" page on the Website.
2.3. The contract concluded based on the acceptance of this Public Offer by the Buyer is a contract of adhesion, which the Buyer joins without any exceptions and/or reservations.
2.4. The relationship between the Buyer and the Seller is governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on retail sales (§ 2 Chapter 30), the Law "On Consumer Protection," the Government Decree of the Russian Federation "On Approval of Rules for Remote Sales of Goods," and other federal laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them.
2.5. The Seller reserves the right to make changes and/or additions to the terms of this Agreement by posting such changes and/or additions in the text of the Agreement when further posted on the Website. Therefore, the Buyer is obliged to regularly monitor changes/additions to the terms of this Agreement posted on the Website. The new version of the Agreement comes into effect after its publication on the Website and applies to any Order placed after the publication unless otherwise provided by the terms of this Agreement.
2.6. All textual information and graphic images of products posted on the Website are the property of the Seller or its contractors. Viewing or printing pages of the Website is permitted only for personal use.
3. Subject
3.1. The Seller agrees to sell the Product ordered through Pre-order, and the Buyer agrees to accept and pay for such Product at the prices specified in the Product description on the relevant page of the Website, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
3.2. The act of placing a Pre-order by the Buyer constitutes an unequivocal acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by the Buyer, including those related to the processing of their Personal Data.
4. Pre-Order Process
4.1. A pre-order is processed through the Website.
4.2. Registration on the Website is mandatory for placing a pre-order.
4.3. When placing a pre-order, the Customer must provide the following information:
  • Details of the name (surname, first name) of the Customer or the recipient of the pre-order (if the recipient is different from the Customer);
  • Contact information (email address and phone number);
  • Settlement location;
  • Delivery method for the pre-order;
  • Delivery address if selecting "Courier Delivery," or store address if choosing "In-Store Pickup";
  • Payment method (for pre-orders paid on the Website, the Customer must provide credit card details);
  • Any other information required by the Seller to fulfill their obligations to the Customer under this Agreement.
4.4. The Seller is obligated to ensure that the Product is delivered within the timeframes and with the characteristics specified in the Product listing, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement.
4.5. The Seller will indicate the planned date of product availability for sale on the Website, which may be adjusted by the Seller, but not by more than 1 (one) month.
4.6. Information regarding changes to the delivery dates of the Products in a pre-order will be sent to the Customer’s email address or phone number provided during registration on the Website or when placing the pre-order.
4.7. Due to economic, technological, and other production reasons, the Seller reserves the right to limit the number of Products available for pre-order. This applies to both the quantity of Products within a single pre-order and the placement of multiple pre-orders for the same Product.
4.8. The acceptance of a pre-order by the Seller is confirmed by sending a receipt, indicating payment, to the email address provided by the Customer during the pre-order process.
4.9. The Customer is fully responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided when placing the pre-order. The Seller is not liable for any failure or improper fulfillment of obligations resulting from the provision of incorrect information by the Customer.
4.10. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the Customer's pre-order at the confirmation stage in case of providing inaccurate data or in the absence of payment.
5. Preorder Payment
5.1. All financial transactions are conducted in Russian Rubles (RUB).
5.2. All prices for Goods are listed on the Website in Russian Rubles (RUB).
5.3. The only method of payment for Goods is advance payment via credit card on the Website.
5.4. The price of Goods on the Website may be changed unilaterally by the Seller.
5.5. The price of the ordered Goods will vary depending on the date of advance payment; discounts on Goods will be dynamic and dependent on the timing of the advance payment. Once the Buyer places and pays for a Preorder, the price of the Goods in the Preorder is fixed and not subject to change.
5.6. A Preorder, made with advance payment, will only be processed after the payment is received. If payment is not received within 120 minutes from the time of placing the Preorder, the Preorder will not be considered confirmed.
6. Receiving Pre-Ordered Goods
6.1. The receipt of pre-ordered Goods is carried out using the method chosen by the Buyer for self-pickup unless another delivery method was selected by the Buyer during the Pre-Order process. Delivery methods for the Goods are specified on the Website in the "Delivery" subsection of the "For Buyers" section.
6.2. Upon arrival of the pre-ordered Goods at the Seller's warehouse, a representative of the Seller will contact the Consumer to confirm the Consumer’s ability to collect the Goods.
6.3. If the Consumer does not respond within 3 days, the Seller reserves the right to cancel the Goods from the Pre-Order, and the funds paid by the Buyer will be refunded.
6.4. Upon delivery, the Goods are handed over to the Buyer or a third party designated as the Recipient in the Pre-Order. To prevent fraud and ensure the fulfillment of obligations, the person delivering the Goods will request identification from the Buyer/Recipient.
6.5. Goods not received by the Consumer due to reasons beyond the Seller's or Delivery Service’s control will be returned to the Seller. In this case, the Consumer is obligated to reimburse the Seller for any incurred expenses.
6.6. The Consumer’s failure to appear or to undertake other necessary actions for receiving the Goods may be considered by the Seller as a refusal to fulfill the Contract.
7. Product Return and Refund Policy
7.1. Returns of Products are carried out in accordance with the Return Conditions specified on the Website in the "Return" subsection of the "Customers" section.
7.2. Products listed in the List approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 55 dated January 19, 1998, are non-exchangeable and non-returnable.
7.3. Returns of Products of satisfactory quality are possible if the Product has not been used and its commercial appearance and consumer properties are preserved.
7.4. In the event of a Customer's refusal to accept the Product, the Seller will reimburse the cost of the returned Product.
7.5. If the Customer receives a Product of unsatisfactory quality or discovers a defect within the warranty period, the Customer must submit a written complaint through the feedback form on the Website, selecting the "Pre-order" topic, or at a MASTERSUIT store. The Seller will respond to the complaint within the timeframes established by applicable legislation.
7.6. In the event of a dispute regarding the causes of the Product's defects during the warranty period, the Seller is obligated to conduct an examination of the Product at their own expense. If the examination determines that the defects were caused by circumstances beyond the Seller's control, the Customer is responsible for reimbursing the Seller for the cost of the examination.
7.7. If defects are discovered by the Customer after the warranty period but within 2 years, the Customer is responsible for conducting the examination at their own expense.
7.8. When exchanging or returning a Product, the Customer must present an identification document (in accordance with clause 6.1 of the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014, "On the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions by Legal Entities and the Simplified Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions by Individual Entrepreneurs and Small Business Entities"), along with the cash register receipt and the product receipt (invoice).
8. Liability
8.1. The Parties shall be liable for any breach of obligations established by the Agreement and/or applicable law, as well as for all consequences of such breaches (including any losses that each Party or third parties may incur, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement).
8.2. The Seller shall not be liable for the delivery of the Goods if the Buyer has provided an incorrect delivery address and/or incorrect recipient for the Goods.
8.3. The Seller shall not be liable if the Buyer’s expectations regarding the consumer properties of the Goods are not met.
8.4. The Seller shall not be liable for any potential losses (damages, lost profits) arising from the use of the Goods, including damage to the Goods caused by the Buyer or other parties’ failure to adhere to the rules of use.
8.5. If the Seller fails to fulfill their delivery obligations within the timeframes established by this Agreement, and provided the Buyer has duly fulfilled their obligations under this Agreement, the Seller shall pay a penalty (pursuant to Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) based on a claim submitted by the Buyer in writing. The amount of the penalty is determined by the key rate of the Bank of Russia in effect during the relevant periods, but shall not exceed 10% of the Pre-Order amount.
8.6. The Parties have specifically agreed that the provisions of Article 317.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not apply to their relationship.
8.7. The Parties shall be exempt from liability for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement during the period of force majeure. Force majeure refers to extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances that prevent the Parties from fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement. These include natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, emergencies, strikes, epidemics, etc.), and restrictive measures by government authorities (transport bans, currency restrictions, international sanctions prohibiting trade, etc.). During this period, the Parties have no mutual claims, and each Party assumes the risk of consequences resulting from force majeure circumstances.
9. Personal Data
9.1. Personal data processing refers to any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data of the Consumer, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), retrieval, use, transfer (including transfer to third parties, including cross-border transfer if necessary during the performance of obligations), blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.
9.2. The acceptance of the terms of this Agreement by the Buyer constitutes grounds for processing by the Seller, as well as its authorized representatives, of personal data of both the Buyer and the Recipient of the Pre-order (collectively referred to as the “Consumer”), which is necessary for:
  • Entering into the Agreement, under which the Consumer is a party or beneficiary, and further performance of obligations under the concluded Agreement, including status updates on the Pre-order;
  • Performing functions, powers, and obligations by the Seller as stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including but not limited to: tax, civil, including consumer protection laws;
  • Communication, including receiving and processing requests and appeals from Consumers, and monitoring the quality of information interactions with them;
  • Researching Consumer satisfaction with the quality of Goods and services provided by the Seller;
  • Analyzing Consumer actions on the Website (including location determination) and Website functionality;
  • Storing Consumer personal data and its carriers in accordance with local regulatory acts of the Operator;
  • Organizing and conducting events to increase brand recognition and loyalty to MASTERSUIT, including promotions and loyalty programs.
9.3. For the purposes specified in clause 9.3 of this Agreement, the Seller has the right to: 9.3.1. Process personal data using automation tools, including in information and telecommunications networks, or without such tools, in accordance with processing purposes; 9.3.2. Transfer (provide, grant access, cross-border transfer) personal data to third parties, to whom the Consumer's personal data may be disclosed, for the provision and/or execution of technical and organizational services within the framework of fulfilling the Seller's obligations under the Agreement:
  • Delivery services;
  • Third parties engaged in organizing marketing events and/or informing Clients about products and events conducted on behalf of the Seller;
9.4. The Operator, as well as third parties acting on its behalf, shall adhere to the following rules and provide the Consumer with the following guarantees regarding the processing of their personal data:
  • Ensure that personal data is processed in compliance with all applicable requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the protection of personal data, including adherence to the principles, requirements, and obligations of the personal data Operator established by Federal Law 152-FZ;
  • If the Operator, in order to fulfill its obligations to the Consumer, needs to transfer or otherwise disclose their personal data to third parties, including government authorities, carry out such actions in accordance with legal requirements;
  • Be responsible for ensuring the security and confidentiality of Consumers' personal data during processing in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.5. Individuals processing the Consumer's personal data on behalf of the Operator are not responsible to the Consumer for improper handling of personal data. Responsibility for such processing lies with the Operator.
9.6. The Seller has the right to send marketing information (messages) to the Buyer’s email and/or mobile phone only with explicit consent, which is provided by checking the "I agree" box on the Website and/or in the Mobile Application.
9.7. The Buyer may opt out of receiving marketing information at any time using one of the following methods:
  • Clicking the "Unsubscribe" button in the email;
  • Contacting the Seller’s Customer Service by phone as listed on the Website under the "Contacts" section.
9.8. In the event of a phone inquiry from the Consumer, the Operator may record telephone conversations for the purpose of monitoring the quality of information interaction between the Operator’s staff and the Consumer, including quality control of Order fulfillment.
9.9. Personal data processing will be carried out throughout the term of this Agreement and for 5 (five) years after its termination.
9.10. All personal data of the Consumer will be stored in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.11. Upon achieving the processing goals or when there is no longer a need to achieve these goals, the processed personal data of Consumers will be destroyed unless otherwise provided by law. The Seller commits to taking all possible measures to ensure the destruction of personal data, including by third parties acting on behalf of the Operator.
9.12. The Buyer or Pre-Order Recipient has the right to request the Operator to clarify, block, or delete their personal data if the data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, unlawfully obtained, or unnecessary for the stated processing purpose, and to take legal measures to protect their rights.
10. Validity of the Public Offer
10.1. This Public Offer becomes effective upon acceptance by the Buyer and remains in force until the withdrawal of the acceptance of the Public Offer.
11. Dispute Resolution
11.1. In the event of any questions or claims from the Consumer, they may contact the Seller by phone or through other available means.
11.2. All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
11.3. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement through negotiations, all disputes shall be handled through a claim process. The timeframe for reviewing a claim is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim.
11.4. If disputes are not resolved through negotiations or the claim process, they shall be referred by the interested Party to the court for consideration in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
12. Additional Terms
12.1. The invalidity of any provision of this Public Offer as recognized by a court does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

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